
Showing posts from October, 2022

Ruwanweli Maha Seya

  Ruwanweli Maha Seya The Great King Dutugamunu who had his reign from 101 B.C. to 77 B.C.(Page-xxxvii Mahavamsa) in Anuradhapura, constructed The Ruwanweli Maha Seya. He is famed for reunifying the entire Island of Sri Lanka by defeating Elara from Chola kingdom who had invaded the Anuradhapura kingdom. after conquering of war, King built and consecrated Maricavatti Vihara (Mirisavati Viharaya) and Lohapasada(Lovamahapaya). Following offering of splendid ceremony of gifts for Great Bodhi Tree( Sri Maha Bodhi), He became glad thinking: " I will build Great Thupa (Ruwanweli Stupa/Dagaba). People are not possible to levy tax, then how i shall be able to have bricks duly made.". Thereupon, God of the heaven noticed his thought and arose a tumult among the gods. Then, Sakka (Buddhist cosmology: Ruler of Tavatimsa heaven) was aware of the matter and commanded to Vishvakarma (Craftsman Deity and Divine architect of Gods) to go and prepare the bricks. Vishvakarma (Vishvakamma) Creat

Hatthikuchchi Archelogical Site, North Western Province, Sri Lanka

Antient literacy source records this monastery as Hatthikuchchi vihraya or Ethkus vehera. the meaning of this words are that Hatthi or Eth mean "Elephant"  and Kus or Kuchchi mean "Stomach".  An inscription belong to  2 nd century A.D. records name Athikuchchiya Vharehi. This name would have been given because of the shape of the rock in the vihara premises is similar to belly of an elephant. The founder of vihara is not clear. However, according to early Brahmi inscription of this monastery the origin of this vihara definitely occurred in B.C.(Before Christ). The earliest record of this vihara(Monastery) is fond in description of Sahassavathupakarana(one of Sri Lanka historical document) written in reign of King Saddhatissa. Mahawansa(Great Chronicle) records that King Agrabodhi Vii constructed prasada(Bulidings) of Ethkus vehera and King Dappula ii renovated prasada. This monastery is also considered as very important from  Before Christ era as there are more th