Ritigala Mountain Strict Nature Reserve And Archeological Site, Sri Lanka

Ritigala Mountain And Nature Reserve

Ritigala Mountain     Source: Google 

Ritigala Mountain is Located in Anuradhapura district on Latitude: 8° 6'32.99"N Longitude: 80°39'16.99"E and Elevation of 766m above Sea Level on its highest peak. Further, This nature reserve is within DS(Divisional Secretariat) divisions of Kekirawa,Palugaswewa and Thirappane. Mountain have 4 peaks and been divided into two parts called northern block and southern block by Maha-degala gorge. highest peak called Ritigala kanda in the South block.This isolated hill is 6.5 km length and about 3 to 5 km width. 

Ritigala  is designated to  strict Natural Reserve since 7th November 1941 (Gazette No 8809). Area of the Forest is 3776 acres and 34 perches(1528.17 hectares). Reserve take the name from "Riti Tree" (Scientific Name: Antiaris toxicaria under the family of Moraceae). Access to the mountain can be got through Habarana-Maradankadawala highway (A11 Road), Ganewelpola-Dachchahalmillewa Road, Galapitagala and Keeriyagaswewa.     


This isolated mountain range is in the dry zone of the island where the climate is characterized by monsoon rainfall and orographic rainfall. During northeast monsoon  from December to February(Maha Season), highest rainfall is experienced by the mountain. Mountain also receive southwestern monsoon from May to September(Yala Season). Total annual rainfall of the Ritigala is range from 1470 to 1500mm and Annual average relative humidity range from 60% to 90%. average annual temperature is 27.

Although mountain is situated in low plain of the dry zone, ritigala has unique type of climate(microclimate) which is fairly cold with comparison of surrounding plains are  quite hot. One of reason for this is orographic precipitation on the mountain by intercepting moisture bearing wind. The climate of peaks of mountain is cooler than its foot. Mist and clouds cover peaks during southwest monsoon and give high vapor condensation which make the earth moist.

Archeological Site

Archeological Site , Ritigala
Source: Google
Ritigala Archeological Site is located on Latitude: 8° 7'1.40"N  Longitude: 80°39'57.28"E in  Ritigala mountain nature reserve. In the Past, Ritigala was called as "Arittha pabbata"(Mahawamsa*, Page 72,230,290). Monastery in the Ritigala was called as Makulaka Vihara (Mahawansa*,Page 142).This ancient monastery was built by King Lanjatissa (Mahawamsa*,Page 229,230) at 59 -50 BC. Lajjitissa or Lanjitissa are variant name for the king ( Mahawamsa*,Page 229). 

*THE MAHAVAMSA or THE GREAT CHRONICLE OF CEYLON(Translated to English by Prof. Wilhelm Geiger at Erlangen University under the patronage of Government Of Ceylon and Published by Oxford University press,1912) 


Biodiversity is variability of  living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine, aquatic, desert ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part. Ritigala is  richest place of biodiversity. This nature reserve consist of  417 taxa of lower and higher plants. it has 337 flowering plants of which 57 are endemic to Sri Lanka. Ritigala is home to four endermic taxa: Madhuca clavata, Coleus elongates ( Plectranthus elongates), Dendrocalamus cinctus and Thunbergia fragrans var. parvilora

There is a newly described endemic species called Ritigala day gecko ( Cnemaspis ritigalensis) in Ritigal forest which is common in the dry mixed ever green forest and short-stature forest areas. In this strict nature reserve, 25 species of Fish and out of 4 are endemic, 17 species of Amphibians and out of 4 are endemic, 59 species of  Reptiles and out of  19 are endemic, 122 species of Birds and out of 5 are endemic, 37 species of Mammals and out of 4 are endemic and 65 species of Butterflies and out of 4 are endemic.             


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