
Sigiriya Lion Rock, Sri Lanka

Sigiriya Lion Rock Sigiriya is isolated steep rock that rises to an elevation of 349 meters above mean sea level and 180m above the surrounding plain. Sigiriya is world heritage site which has listed by UNESCO on year 1982, since unique collections of many disciplines including City Planning, Landscape and Interior Architecture, Hydraulic and structural Engineering, Painting, Sculpture and Sinhala Calligraphy.  Values of Sigiriya can be considered in five aspects as Archeological value, Historical value, Architectural value, Artistic value, Cultural value and Literary value.  Site is one of popular tourist spot in the Sri Lanka and the world also. Sigiriya also call as Lion Rock that visitors ascend through the open paws of the Lion.    Location:  Sigiriya Rock(Sigiriya Lion Rock) is located in the Matale District, Central Province of Sri Lanka( Coordinates; Latitude: 7.9570⁰  Longitude: 80.7603⁰). Access of the location can be get at Inamaluwa junction(Sigiriya Junction)  through Ambe

Ruwanweli Maha Seya

  Ruwanweli Maha Seya The Great King Dutugamunu who had his reign from 101 B.C. to 77 B.C.(Page-xxxvii Mahavamsa) in Anuradhapura, constructed The Ruwanweli Maha Seya. He is famed for reunifying the entire Island of Sri Lanka by defeating Elara from Chola kingdom who had invaded the Anuradhapura kingdom. after conquering of war, King built and consecrated Maricavatti Vihara (Mirisavati Viharaya) and Lohapasada(Lovamahapaya). Following offering of splendid ceremony of gifts for Great Bodhi Tree( Sri Maha Bodhi), He became glad thinking: " I will build Great Thupa (Ruwanweli Stupa/Dagaba). People are not possible to levy tax, then how i shall be able to have bricks duly made.". Thereupon, God of the heaven noticed his thought and arose a tumult among the gods. Then, Sakka (Buddhist cosmology: Ruler of Tavatimsa heaven) was aware of the matter and commanded to Vishvakarma (Craftsman Deity and Divine architect of Gods) to go and prepare the bricks. Vishvakarma (Vishvakamma) Creat

Hatthikuchchi Archelogical Site, North Western Province, Sri Lanka

Antient literacy source records this monastery as Hatthikuchchi vihraya or Ethkus vehera. the meaning of this words are that Hatthi or Eth mean "Elephant"  and Kus or Kuchchi mean "Stomach".  An inscription belong to  2 nd century A.D. records name Athikuchchiya Vharehi. This name would have been given because of the shape of the rock in the vihara premises is similar to belly of an elephant. The founder of vihara is not clear. However, according to early Brahmi inscription of this monastery the origin of this vihara definitely occurred in B.C.(Before Christ). The earliest record of this vihara(Monastery) is fond in description of Sahassavathupakarana(one of Sri Lanka historical document) written in reign of King Saddhatissa. Mahawansa(Great Chronicle) records that King Agrabodhi Vii constructed prasada(Bulidings) of Ethkus vehera and King Dappula ii renovated prasada. This monastery is also considered as very important from  Before Christ era as there are more th

Ritigala Mountain Strict Nature Reserve And Archeological Site, Sri Lanka

Ritigala Mountain And Nature Reserve Ritigala Mountain     Source: Google  Ritigala Mountain is Located  in Anuradhapura district  on Latitude:  8° 6'32.99"N Longitude:  80°39'16.99"E and Elevation of 766m above Sea Level on its highest peak. Further, This nature reserve is within DS(Divisional Secretariat) divisions of Kekirawa,Palugaswewa and Thirappane. Mountain have 4 peaks and been divided into two parts called northern block and southern block by Maha-degala gorge. highest peak called Ritigala kanda in the South block.This isolated hill is 6.5 km length and about 3 to 5 km width.  Ritigala  is designated to   strict Natural Reserve  since  7 th  November 1941 (Gazette No 8809). Area of the Forest is 3776 acres and 34 perches(1528.17 hectares). Reserve take the name from "Riti Tree" (Scientific Name: Antiaris toxicaria under the family of Moraceae). Access to the mountain can be got through Habarana-Maradankadawala highway ( A 11  Road), Ganewelpola-Da

Pitawala Pathana, Sri Lanka

Pitawala Pathana, Matale District, Sri Lanka    Pitawala Pathana Pitawala Pathana is Grass Land situated in Riverston, Matale. When travel along the Matale-Pallegama-Giradurukotte Road, This Specific Place is found at Lattitude:7°32'57.73"N and Longitude:  80°45'15.35"E which has elevation of 850m-900m. Area Of the Pitawala Pathana 26 hectares (64.2 acres)  approximately. Grass cover in Pitawla Pathana spreads over an area of 404.6 hectares (1000 acres) including gently sloping rock slabs covered with thin soil layer. Turf grass of Pitawal Pathan is 10cm in average height. Scattered  bushes and trees can be seen throughout Pathana. Nature trail  is 750m long and end with steep slop called Mini World's End  Visitors can see panoramic view of Knuckles Range and its Valleys. The area has amazing biodiversity which home to lot of plants and animals. Kirtisinghe's  Rock Frog is one of endemic species to Pitawala Pathana.  Pitawala Pathana, Matale District, Central

Riverston, Sri Lanka

 Location Riverston is a very beautiful place which is in the top of the list of most beautiful places to visit in Sri Lanka. When traveling along Matale to Giradurukotte Road, It is located 30km(Lat:7°32'56.07"N Long:80°45'6.38"E)  from Matale town. Riverston  is in Knuckles forest reserve (word heritage area). There are very Beautiful Waterfalls inside of the forest of the Riverston and endemic for many birds and reptiles . Best for the Trekking and Hiking experience.                                Riverston Terrain Source Google Riverston and Pitawalapathana 0n September 2022

Annual Mean Temperature Of Sri Lanka

  Annual Mean Temperature       Source: Department Of Meteorology The annual mean air temperature of Sri Lanka are mainly influence due to altitude than latitude. Because, in the lowlands up to 150m of altitude, the mean annual temperature varies between 26 ° C  to 28  ° C .  The oceanic influence helps to reduce temperature in lowlands by sea breeze.  The mean temperature of highlands is 15.8   ° C. Notable Feature of air temperature of Sri Lanka is indicated small variation of the mean monthly temperature through out the year.    Lowest mean temperature of the year can be experience along the coast during December to January as a range between 21 ° C  to 24.2 ° C . At the Nuwara Eliya minimum mean temperature   9.4 ° C and minimum temperature fall below the freezing point( 0  ° C ) rarely. Diurnal variations of the temperature occur due to season, altitude and according to the  how much distance from the sea.     Temperature Data Of Sri Lanka(2011-2018) Click Here To View

Annual Rainfall in Sri Lanka

  Figure: Annual Average Rainfall Map Source: Department of Meteorology Sri Lanka There are several  type of Rain fall in Sri Lanka. They are Monsoonal Rain, Convectional Rain, Depressional Rain and Orographic Rain (Relief Rain).  Monsoon Rainfall Monsoon is major wind system that seasonally reverse its direction that cause rainfall. Further, Monsoon cause wet seasons and dry seasons also. Most of tropics experience rainy season as a result of  monsoon. The Indian ocean is most frequently connected with monsoons that blow cold to warn region.  There are four monsoon rainfall seasons in Sri Lanka as fallows (1) First inter monsoon season ( March to April) (2) South-west monsoon season ( May to September) (3) Second inter monsoon season (October to November) (4) North-East monsoon season (December to February) Annual average rainfall of Sri Lanka is varies from 900mm in dry zone to 5000mm in wet zone. Pdf Download of Rainfall Data :  Click Here to Download Convectional Rain Convectional

Topography Of Sri Lanka

 Topography                                                        The Central part of the southern half of the island is mountainous region with  peaks of mountain higher than 2.5 km. This region contain complex topographical features such as Ridges, Plateaus, Basins, Valleys and Steep slopes. In addition to that there are many very beautiful water falls, Grassy lands, Forest reserves, sanctuaries, Evergreen rain forests(i.e. in World heritage list) and Tea Plantations. Remainder of the island is almost flat surfaces except several hills and isolated mountains. These topographical features strongly affect on the spatial patterns of winds, seasonal rain falls, temperature, relative humidity and other climatic elements particularly during monsoon seasons.           

Climate And Seasons of Sri lanka

  Climate And Seasons Climate is the description of long term(Minimum 30 years) average weather condition in a particular area and factors affecting the climate are average of precipitation(Rainfall),temperature. humidity, sunshine. wind velocity, phenomena such as frog, frost, hail storm . Due to the location of Sri Lanka(5 55, 9 51 North latitude and 79 42, 81 53 East longitude) the climate of the island could be characterized as tropical. In the lowland(150m from Sea level) like Colombo city, the climate is typically tropical with an average temperature of 27C⁰ . In higher elevations like Nuwara Eliya, temperature is  going down to 16 C⁰ at an altitude of nearly 2.5km. The South-West monsoon brings rain mainly from may to September in Western, Southern and Central region of the island, while the North-East  monsoon rains occur in the Northern and Eastern regions of the island in December to February. In addition to there are two inter monsoon  March to April and October to November.


  SRI LANKA Basic Data Sri Lanka is a very beautiful Island Country lying in the Indian Ocean near the south-east of India in South Asia which has 65,610 sq km of area and located between latitude 5°55' N and 9°50' N longitude 79°31' E and 81°52'E.It is  25 th of  largest island in the world and  1 23 rd  largest country in the world.  .Maximum length of Island is 432km and maximum width is 224km( Source: CIA library, USA and  ).Sri Lanka has about 1700 km beautiful coastline( Dept. of Statistic,Sri Lanka and }. Sri Lanka has a population of 21.61 million(2022) and majority are Sinhalese. Capital of Sri Lanka is Sri Jayewardenepura and Commercial City is Colombo. Country has been divided into are 9 Provinces and subdivided into 25 Districts in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has many natural resources like Gems, Graphite, Mineral Sands, Limestone and Clay. Agriculture products of country are Tea, Rubber, Coconuts, Rice, Fruits, Vegetables and Ceylon